
Programmer, Gamer, Hacker

Country of Mask

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I was thinking, if we all wear masks, we cound decorate ourself as we want, present self as we are, to show our true character, without bothered by the nature born face.

Mask is make by ourselves, represented in a way we want to.

You can use this mask:

And that:

So how could it be, for a world like this? Let me illustrate one.

The first question is, how this could be? Tradition may come from nowhere and anywhere, As if there was a dectator, have some skin conditions maybe coming from syphilis. He wear a mask, and force all the others do so. Then dectator goes tradition remains.

For public security, all mask must marked with ID which belongs to individual, as in the condition same as car number. Steal mask is felony, because it is identity thefting and critical privacy violation. People only show their face to the relative really close.

Children’s mark are labeled with their parents’ identity, after they come of age, they should create their own. There are mask craftsman who fill people’s needs. Person with figure choose the best tailor, ordinary may buy a template and customize it by their own.

Soldier’s mask are standard by rank, for serious concern, all soldiers tatoo for proventing identity theft.

So how to eat food while wearing a mask? Mask should have a moving part on the mouth area for feeding. The way people eat will change, Food are cutting into small pieces for easy deliver. Then tools for eating are changed accordingly, with tools to clean mouth.

It is impossible to communicate with face expression, and it will not be needed, people use tone and gesture to express the subtle. For foreigners, understand the art of tones may be challenging.

There could be mask represents emotion, and those who want represent them, include women, noble, actor, will prepare lots of them, changing them rapidly in the public.

For finding the perfect wife, people seek according to how beautiful her musk is. It repesent her light hand. Women will spend lots of time on decorating mask, same as in makeup in our country.

But we know man are nature’s slave, seek for pretty, they invite girl for dinner, look through the small holes on the mouth, to find the evidence. Women has contermeasures by using hand or thin cloth to hide. And for the women who feel more comfortable about it, would protent to show more, even remove part of the cover on the mask.

There are still diversity around people. Rich one use better mask, embeded with jewel, crafted with special treatment.

And there definitly will be a festival about mask, people bring the best mask off, Mask crafter are create all kinds of strange mask to promote themself: the biggest one, smallest one, most delicate one. It will attract lots of tourists, they will buy masks and bring them home, Collector will gether all kinds of rare masks, special or from special people. Mask economy, is important for this country.

It will be fun, if there is a country with mask.
