
Programmer, Gamer, Hacker


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hello everyone, today I will introduce you an new kind of science fiction, we call it “兔子流” in Chinese, translate as “rabbit like”.

what is “兔子流”?

In the ancient old days, a writer, name as “小学生”, translate as “schoolchildren”, he write a fiction, name as “兔子尾巴”, and with this characteristic:

  • main character(young adult male) have super power.
  • have no sense of moral.
  • enjoy play around the world.

what is the detail?

for AD&D fans, it is a book about a chaos evil character, how he do the dirty things. here are some example:

  • he kills people for fun.
  • he has one or severial girls as toy.
  • enjoy the life of doing whatever he wants, if he like something, just take it.
  • have sick sense of humor and “moral”, he thinks he is doing something good which actually really bad, such as kill raped girl only because he think the girl will have a bad life in the future.
  • he make social experiment. for maintaining good traffic condition, he make laws that driver can hit anything on the road… even the kid.
  • no friend, no family, no strong feeling except fearing of death.


here are some fiction belows to “兔子流”, and you can google them, because it is so evil that no static links I can provide:

  • 兔子尾巴
  • 人民公敌
  • 我无恶不作
  • 兔子流屠龙纪要


“兔子流” is one of the extrime fiction types I enjoy very much, easy to read, and have more fun. currently no new fiction is out, I hope in the future there can be more.
